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- K. A. Merikan
Red Hot Page 6
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Page 6
Candy snorted, though her cheeks went up in flames. “Oh, my God. Where did that come from? Of course not. I’m not into that kind of stuff.”
Loki chewed on his lip. “Then why do you call yourself his property? Isn’t it kinda...”
“Degrading?” finished Candy, rolling her eyes. “I suppose that’s how it sounds. Depends on the club, but the guys here give those jackets to their steady girlfriends and wives so that every other biker knows which ladies are taken and shouldn’t be bothered.”
Loki frowned, unsure what to think of it. “So it’s like an engagement ring?”
Candy laughed out loud. “Don’t tell Sam that. I do want a ring sometime in the future.” They both grinned, and she drank some more alcohol. “Anyway, when you get your vest, it means that the guy’s gonna take care of you and protect you. It’s a pretty big deal.”
Loki nodded and looked at his shoes, wondering whether Jack ever had someone wear his patches. If there were female bikers, did their boyfriends wear property vests? What about gay bikers?
Loki’s eyes fell on the hot pole dancer Jack had talked to before. Her show was about to begin, and she ascended the small stage with the background sounds of catcalls and howls. Jack was there as well, his bright red hair easy to spot in the sea of other heads. He pushed through the crowd, closer to the stage as the main lights went off.
“Who is that?” Loki asked Candy, slowly walking up to the doorway that separated the pleasant, almost domestic peace of the kitchen from the crowded biker club lounge. Jack had pathetically tried to flirt with the girl earlier, and just seeing him follow her like a pup made Loki’s stomach twist.
Candy drank some homemade lemonade. “That’s Lucy. Just watch. She’s such an amazing dancer. I tried to do pole dancing a few times when no one was looking, but I suck at it. She has this… I don’t know. It’s like gravity doesn’t exist for her.”
As the cheering grew louder, Lucy took off the halterneck top and skirt on stage, and stayed in just shiny black bikini bottoms and a push-up bra. In that moment, with the music changing its tone to something louder, with a powerful base line, all eyes were on her.
“Jack likes her,” muttered Loki, shifting his gaze to the carrot-colored head by the stage. The music kicked off with a low, raspy tone, and so did Lucy’s dance as she sensuously circled the pole, but Loki wasn’t interested in the slightest. He refused to look at her parading her charms in front of Jack.
Candy raised her eyebrows. “‘Likes’? He’s like a dog with an itch he can’t scratch. He’s been pining for her since I’ve known him, but he’s just not her type. The guy should know when to give up, because he’s getting creepy.”
Loki swallowed hard, pinning the barely clothed body on the pole with his gaze. “Doesn’t sound like him.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s just because she’s rejected him a thousand times. He can’t bear that someone dares say ‘no’ to him.” Candy rolled her eyes.
“He’s humiliating himself by just pushing on, isn’t he?”
Candy bit her lip. “Kinda. It’s like he doesn’t see it. I think even the other guys have been hinting for him to give up. You can’t force someone to be attracted to you.”
Loki nodded. Jack should really look at what was in front of him. A certain someone who would be completely dedicated to him. Loki was ready to be whatever Jack wanted if they could only be together. “I’ll talk to him.”
Lucy’s dance was acrobatic, and if Loki weren’t so annoyed with the sole concept of her existence, he could maybe even admire it. But his blood boiled when he saw her give Jack a pat on the head and a smile as she walked off stage. What a cocktease. He’d never do that to Jack. He’d honestly offer his body for devouring and deal with the consequences. Jack was such a rough fucker. Loki loved it already.
Candy snorted. “Good luck with that tonight after she’s waved her boobs in front of him.”
Loki wanted to say he didn’t get the appeal of pussy, but that would be a shitty thing to say to a woman, so he shut up and watched Jack follow her through the crowd only to be left behind a door she closed right in front of his face. She was one cruel bitch.
It took a few more minutes, but Jack finally turned their way. He seemed to be in a better mood than before. It could have something to do with the beer in his hand.
“He botherin’ you, Candy?” he asked and squinted at Loki.
Loki put his hand on his chest and gave a theatrical gasp. “I’m shocked and appalled!” He winked at Jack.
“He’s a perfectly nice guy,” Candy added, as if Loki were her new pet.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if he rearranged your fridge.” But despite the angry words, the cocky half smile on Jack’s handsome face gave Loki new hope. He wanted to bury his fingers in the red beard and slip his tongue into the warm, soft lips hidden in the soft bush that smelled of a herb garden and bee’s wax.
“I’m a good houseboy. No spoiled food in sight,” said Loki.
“Oh, yeah? Can you cook? I can’t have a boyfriend who doesn’t cook.” Jack’s eyes narrowed, as if he was challenging Loki to a staring contest.
Loki stopped breathing. “I can cook!” Eggs. Sausage. Potatoes. Microwavable rice. Fries. It counted as cooking. “I can even bring you breakfast to bed.”
Candy smiled widely, unaware of the true stakes of this conversation. Jack was giving Loki a sign. He’d take him in. “Can you? My boyfriend also needs to give good head. Can you do that?” He gave Loki a stupid grin, and Candy kicked his foot, flushing like a virgin bride.
“Jack! That is so rude!”
“I can deepthroat,” said Loki, without even blinking. He wiggled his brows, looking straight into Jack’s eyes. Jack knew this much, but if he let him stay, Loki would show him his whole repertoire. A blow job a day. At least.
Candy put her hands over her ears. “Oh, my God! Too much information!”
Jack shook his head. “I have another volunteer today, but thanks for the offer. See you later,” he said and turned around, heading off into the lounge, toward a girl with tattooed breasts. She had black latex stars covering her nipples and the tiniest thong that hardly hid her pussy, but she didn’t seem worried about being on show and wiggled her hips sensuously to the music.
Jack walked up to her, and despite all the people around them, his hand went straight between her thighs. He bowed his head a bit lower and said something straight into her ear. Loki’s eyes went wide when he saw two of Jack’s fingers disappear against her crotch.
“Oh, dear,” moaned Candy and went off to get more cake, but Loki stared at the couple as his heart slowly broke.
The girl bit her lip and spread her legs, making it all too clear where Jack’s fingers had gone. He leaned over her and squeezed one of her breasts while at the same time moving his hand against her pussy. The girl closed her eyes and lapped at Jack’s mouth, getting a kiss with such ease. Maybe it was some kind of masochism in Loki, but he couldn’t stop staring as Jack pushed the girl on the nearest table, handling her harder and already rocking his hips against hers. Of course, he wouldn’t go and find a secluded spot. He had to show everyone, including Loki, just how much he wasn’t gay.
A few people around the couple cheered, and a random guy close to them pulled out his limp cock. This party was going in an unexpected direction. Loki bit his lips when Jack pushed his pants down and gave him a view of that muscular ass.
He looked away, and his eyes stopped on a familiar face. Lucy stood by the door she’d left through earlier, her gaze transfixed on the orgiastic image by the wall.
The girl moaned over the music when Jack pushed into her, quickly quieted down by the other guy, who kissed her hard, slowly jerking off at the same time.
And then it hit Loki. Lucy wasn’t rejecting Jack. She was probably in it for the long game, wanting to make Jack crazy for her, so that when she finally opened her legs, he’d fall to her feet and stay under the platform high heel forever. If she actuall
y made her move on Jack, everything would be lost for Loki, and he didn’t have time to play the long game.
He stood up the moment she turned toward the exit. Breathless, he rushed behind her, keeping his distance not to have anyone suspect anything. He couldn’t have that woman getting between him and Jack. She could have him after Loki’s death, but not a day before that. Jack was meant to be his.
She rushed through a narrow corridor, and to an exit into the parking lot. She didn’t have her monster heels on anymore, just a pair of black flats. There was no one else in the parking lot, and only a few faint lamps lit the way between all the vehicles, so it was the perfect place for a confrontation. Loki began to run.
“Hey, you!”
Lucy turned around and frowned at him. She still had the tiny skirt on but wore a hoodie on top. “What?”
Loki pushed her hard, with the impact of his speed. “Stay away from Jack!”
Her eyes went wide, and she pushed him back so hard he almost fell over, not anticipating so much resistance. “What the hell? What is wrong with you?” She took one more step back and looked him up and down.
“You’re a fucking cocktease. Do you think I don’t see what you’re doing?” hissed Loki, stepping closer. He could gouge out her big stupid eyes.
Lucy took another step back, watching his every move. “Are you out of your mind? Red Jack has been pestering me for months!”
Loki groaned. Why was she lying to his face like that? Didn’t he deserve a bit of truth in his last days? “He’s got HIV.”
Lucy stilled, and Loki smiled on the inside. That would make her rethink her attitude, and after a while, she’d find out the truth anyway. Loki would have enough time to get his fill of Jack.
Lucy sneered, her expression triggering a visceral reaction deep in Loki’s chest. He stepped back. “He’s also a pig, an asshole, a creep, has no taste, and is the worst flirt ever. Some girls like to fuck him, but none of them really like him. I wanna take a shower just thinking of where his hands have been. So no, I don’t want him. He’s a shallow piece of shit with no respect for anyone. Especially the women he fucks.”
Loki stared at her, taken aback. And just as the shock wore off, his chest exploded with anger. “How dare you? You think you’re too good for him, bitch?”
“What the fuck is happening there?” called out a male voice, and Loki stopped halfway to Lucy, only to stare at the man climbing down a metal ladder on the side of the building.
Lucy looked between the guy and Loki. “I… I don’t even know. I was just trying to go home, and he started bothering me.”
Monster jumped off the ladder and walked up, a gun clearly visible in the holster under his arm. “Jack’s cousin, formerly known as the secret boyfriend,” he told her.
Loki swallowed hard and looked at his feet, knowing there was no way he’d squeeze more information out of her with this bodyguard around.
Lucy’s lips parted, and she stared at Loki. “He’s sending his cousin after me now? Seriously? Listen, this needs to stop. I’ve told him a thousand times.”
Loki growled. “No one sends me. I don’t want you to go near him!”
Monster stepped in front of him and pushed him back with a gentle nudge. “Sober up and stop arguing with the lady. You’re making yourself look like an idiot.”
Lucy exhaled and patted Monster’s arm. “Thanks,” she said and quickly walked off to a slender sports motorcycle.
Loki opened his mouth, but something about Monster’s flat expression made him stay quiet. They looked at one another for a long moment, but it was Loki who lost the contest and turned around, dragging his ass back toward the lounge in the main courtyard. He stopped halfway there and looked at the bright windows above. There was a couple fucking in one of them, and he couldn’t help but think about Jack ramming his cock into that girl. She was probably sucking him off by now, and Loki didn’t want to see any of it.
He didn’t know how long he stood in place before he slowly returned to the parking lot. Neither Monster nor Lucy were there as he slid into his car and left.
His chest felt empty, even as he cried some more on the way back to Jack’s home. What did he ever do to deserve such a footnote to his life? Ditched for some slut Jack probably didn’t even know, told off like an idiot. He had no one in the world to turn to but Jack. What was he to do?
Chapter 7
Red Jack’s head was ready to burst every time someone mentioned Loki. They all thought they were so damn funny and original in their jokes. Red Jack wanted to just grab the nearest cupcake and ram it down their throats, stuffing their faces for good. At least Sam could be counted on and didn’t poke Red Jack in the mental nuts anymore.
What was Loki’s deal anyway? Who in their right mind would tease a predator in its own cave? Clearly, the guy was fucked in the head. If he ever showed his crisscrossed face again, he’d get what’s coming.
Red Jack sniggered, biting the rim of the plastic cup as he sipped his beer. He sure hoped he wouldn’t find the little mongrel at his doorstep, begging for more cum. Red Jack had already sexed a hot chick tonight, and she wouldn’t be the last one. It was his birthday, of course he’d get laid as much as he wanted. All Loki would get was a kick in his gay ass and piss in his hair.
“Hey, Jack...”
He blinked, yanked out of his thoughts by a slim hand trailing over his stomach. There were large silver rings on it, complementing the red nail polish. Red Jack looked up and smiled at the young hangaround with very heavy makeup, who had complimented his chopper earlier. He remembered thinking that she was a bit too childish, but now the long blond hair and short leather dress screamed fuckable. What was her name again?
“Hey, babe.” He smiled and leaned forward. Best not try to use a name anyway.
Her eyes twinkled as she brushed her shoulder against him with a toothy grin. “What are you thinking about?”
Red Jack opened his lips to say something along the lines of ‘my cum on your titties’, but even after the five beers he’d had, the girl was unmistakably young, and not the barely legal kind, more like your kid sister pretending to be a grownup.
“This cousin bullshit. Can’t believe anyone believed him,” Red Jack said in the end.
The girl shrugged and leaned against him. Her hair tickled his bare arm as she zeroed in on his face. “No one did. They’re just messing with you.”
“You got any family?” Red Jack wasn’t all that interested but hoped that having her talk about her mommy and daddy would make her perfume smell less arousing.
“Yeah, I live with my aunt and uncle. They’re the coolest. Gave me much more freedom than any of my friends’ parents,” she said with enthusiasm. Wow, now she sounded as if she were fifteen tops.
“They know you’re here?” Red Jack lit himself a cigarette. He needed to go find himself another pussy to chat up, but he could as well grace this girl with his presence for slightly longer.
“Yeah, they trust me,” she said, reaching out toward his packet. “Uncle Mark had bowel cancer a few years ago, and so I had to take care of myself when they were both trying to help him get better.”
Red Jack smirked but passed her a cigarette and lit it for her. After all, it wasn’t as if he were making a line of coke for her. “And he got out of it? Good for him.”
She nodded vigorously and took a drag of the smoke. “Yeah. Nothing was working, and then they found this amazing doctor. His name is Arvelo, and he tours the world helping people with his own methods. My uncle is now super healthy.”
Red Jack nodded, trying not to let his gaze slide into her cleavage, but with their height difference, it was impossible.
“And I used to have those horrible headaches, and he helped me with them, too. They’re just gone, and all he did was hold his hands on me for a few minutes. He’s fucking amazing,” she said, waving her hand with the cigarette. “And he’s coming back to LA next month. I’m visiting him again.”
br /> “So this is some voodoo shit?” Red Jack looked over her shoulder at a handsome young guy he hadn’t seen around before. Fuck, his dick was a curse. It never had enough.
The girl shook her head. “No, he’s actually praying to God. Sometimes, people have a unique bond with the higher power, I suppose. He even performs surgeries without breaking skin. I’ve actually seen it, and it’s amazing.”
“Aha.” Red Jack spaced out a bit when the guy turned around. He had a nice shape, with wider shoulders and narrow hips. Tall, but not very muscular. Maybe Red Jack could actually fuck Loki one more time before kicking his ass to the curb?
“You have any problems with your health? He offers discounts to people who come with a former patient,” said the girl.
“Sorry, babe, I’m a healthy stud.”
She chuckled and started playing with her hair, the cigarette dumped to the floor. “I’ve heard stories...”
Red Jack couldn’t help a smile surfacing on his lips. “Oh, yeah, what stories?”
She chewed on her lip and stepped closer, looking straight into his eyes, “Is it really that big?”
How was a man to be stronger than a freaking sexy high schooler? Fucking hell. She was gagging for it, yet even now it felt so wrong. “Nice and thick, baby.”
She started saying something, but the music died down, the main lights stabbed everyone’s eyes, and all Red Jack got from the voices around him was Police. It’s a raid. Fucking fuck.
The girl shrieked, her eyes wide with fear, and all of a sudden she wasn’t a hot lady anymore but a frightened kid who thought she was grown up enough to try her chances with Red Jack. What had he been thinking? “Oh, fuck... what do I do... I have the pills. They can’t find them in the club—”
Red Jack grabbed her arm. “What pills?” he hissed. That was exactly the last thing he needed now. And on his fucking birthday at that.
She squeaked, trembling as she fumbled through her pocket. The shouts from outside were all too close already, about to wash over the party like a fucking tsunami.