Red Hot Read online

Page 2

  Loki stopped in the middle of the road and leaned back, sliding his gaze over the thick vein visible in the picture. He’d love to slide his tongue over that pulsing line.

  He wrote back, ‘That’s something I need right now.’

  ‘Good, cause it needs suckin. U fit?’

  Loki moaned and nodded, even though the stranger couldn’t see him do it. He quickly pulled up his shirt and took a picture from above, making sure his face wasn’t visible. Over two years ago, he’d promised himself not to think of the ugly scars on his cheek as anything more than the mark of a survivor, but he was still vain. And he didn’t want them there. He didn’t choose to put them there.

  He sent the picture, sensing a pleasant tingle in his limbs. There was a car approaching ahead, and the driver slowed down, clearly wanting to know whether Loki needed any help, but a quick gesture sent him on his way, Loki didn’t need anyone’s pity. What he needed was that thick cock in his mouth. A good fuck to soothe the pain.

  ‘Nice. Tats. Meet me at the Villa Blanca. Hope your mouth is ready for a plowin’

  Loki bit his lip. The location was very close, and he’d met up with a guy there once. The tone of the texts made his pants much tighter. ‘It’s so ready,’ he typed back and drove off. His heart was hammering in his chest as he neared his destination. His head pulsed, and his stomach felt a bit tight. This was, after all, the guy he was meant to meet today. Something to make the weight of the news a bit lighter. Somewhere out there was a masterplan for Loki’s life, and this guy was about to fulfill it.

  The meetup place was a disused old restroom by the side of the road, with a fancy name given to it by the people who used it for sex. No one paid it any mind since the closure, and there were even stalls still left for a bit of privacy on a rare occasion when it was used by more than one group of people. It was empty when Loki arrived.

  Villa Blanca was a filthy place, with used condoms and an occasional syringe dotting the floor, but at least it didn’t stink too much, so it would have to do. Loki pressed his forehead where he could already feel the tumor growing inside his skull, pulsing and getting bigger with every beat of his heart.

  Boots crunching over dirt and tiles pulled him out of his grim thoughts. The steps were confident, and Loki couldn’t wait to see what man belonged with the gorgeous dick from the picture.

  He stared at the empty doorway, into the blue-tinted evening outside. Standing up straight, he waited. The higher powers toying with his life did not disappoint. Just seeing the masculine figure emerging from the darkness had Loki’s heart skipping a beat. His hookup was broad in the shoulders and tall, like a modern day barbarian with his thick, carefully trimmed red beard. Every step the man made had Loki taking in more detail. He had a stylish long undercut, a black T-shirt with ‘Route 666’ written across the chest, and a pair of nicely fitting dark jeans.

  He stretched his arm, which was covered with a full-sleeve black and white tattoo, and grabbed Loki’s jaw. “Hey. You ready to make use of that pretty mouth?” He winked with a cocky smirk. Even his voice was sexy; deep and low like the hum of an engine.

  Loki gasped, sliding his hands over Red’s sides, eager to get a taste of his mouth first. The guy had a presence to fill the whole room, his movements steady, confident. He wasn’t looking for a thrill from the comfort of his safe life, like Richard had by getting himself an edgy boyfriend. This guy was thrill. He was all man, and Loki wanted to kiss the feet of the angel who brought them together.

  But when Loki leaned closer to kiss his ginger destiny, he got pushed back abruptly.

  “I don’t kiss,” said Red, zeroing in his bright blue gaze on Loki’s eyes.

  Loki closed his mouth, shocked. This wasn’t how it was meant to go! Then again, if this meetup was only the first step on the short trek to the last day of his life, then maybe he could put up with it. Any man could change when shown the right way.

  “What do you do then?” he whispered, tracing his fingers over Red’s bulky arms. Just touching all that steel muscle made his stomach flutter.

  Red gave him a cocky grin and pushed down the zipper of his jeans. “I get my dick sucked. That’s what you came here for, right? To taste a real man?”

  It was as if he pulled Loki’s chest apart with that one move. “Among other things. Will you fuck me?” rasped Loki, staring at the pink flesh of Red’s mouth peeking through the thick, styled beard. And then there were the freckles, oh the freckles… they were everywhere. Intensely dotted all over the visible parts of Red’s face, and Loki was dying to find out where else they marked his skin. Now that he noticed them, he realized the tattoos on Red’s arms hid some of the spots, but the ink ended at the knuckles, and the sea of freckles flooded Red’s fingers.

  “I will fuck your mouth, that’s for sure.” Red let go of Loki’s jaw and slid his fingers into Loki’s long hair.

  Loki stiffened and tipped his head so that his scarred cheek would stay somewhat hidden. “Just don’t pull out. I want to drink it all,” he whispered, staring into the intensely blue eyes. There was something irresistibly captivating about Red. It was as if he held power over every single thing and person around him.

  The smile widening Red’s lips had Loki want to kiss them yet again. “Yeah? You like to drink strangers’ cum?” He leaned against the wall and pushed his pants lower on his hips, revealing the thick, stiff dick with a cockhead so lickable Loki itched to worship it properly.

  He dropped to his knees in front of that gorgeous dick, taking deep breaths as he looked up. “I want to drink yours. Please?” he uttered, cupping the sides of Red’s hips. He’d never been a prude, but right now, it was time to drop any and all inhibitions. He wanted this guy, and he’d have him. If he was to die in a few months, he’d have whatever he wanted from life in the meantime.

  “You don’t even have to ask,” Red said with a deeper inhale, but pulled Loki’s hands away. He slowly thrust his hips forward. “Go on, it’s not gonna suck itself.”

  Loki chuckled and squeezed the base, then slowly moved his hand over the cock. “You’re a shower, aren’t you?” He smiled at the thick meat and leaned in to get a taste. The head was so smooth he shuddered in anticipation. All of Red’s skin was so richly dotted with freckles, and the bright pubic hair begged to be petted, so he rested his other hand above the cock and moved his thumb over the bush. Loki had always had a thing for redheads, but this guy was off the charts. He could see himself spending the last few months of his life exploring every spot on Red’s skin with his tongue, fucking that undoubtedly freckly ass.

  “You wouldn’t know, since you haven’t seen it down.” Red spread his legs a bit wider, and tapped his fingers over the parting in Loki’s hair.

  “I have a feeling about that.” Loki sighed and opened his mouth wider, letting the cockhead into his mouth. It slid in so smoothly, weighing on Loki’s tongue with its heavy girth. He looked up and brushed his fingers over Red’s stomach, but his wrist got a slap in return.

  “I’m not the touchy-feely kind,” Red whispered.

  Loki sucked harder on the cock before dropping it out of his mouth. “I didn’t kiss you. Let’s compromise,” he proposed before lapping at the side of the cock.

  “Here’s a compromise. Suck my cock, and I’ll let you lick my balls as well.”

  Loki wouldn’t let Red’s words stop him, and so he trailed his hands up the thick, log-hard thighs. Red grabbed Loki’s wrists, and pulled them behind Loki’s head. It had Loki staring up, heart restless in his chest. As much as he wanted to pet that beautiful masculine body all over, Loki’s cock twitched at the way Red squeezed his hands. His mouth watered, and he couldn’t help but take Red’s cock in once again. The bittersalty flavor spread over his tongue in the most delicious way, and Loki moaned, leaning forward.

  “That’s good… You suck a lot of cock?” Red groaned, but he didn’t seem to really want an answer. He curled his other hand in Loki’s hair and began a rocking motion with his hips. T
hat wonderful dick slid back and forth over Loki’s tongue, going deeper each time. Loki didn’t have much room for movement with both of the fists that collectively were bigger than his head set on keeping him in place. He didn’t mind. Those big, strong hands grounded him. On his knees. Taking a cock in the way that beautiful bastard wanted him to. Even the way Red’s signets dug into Loki’s wrists didn’t bother him. He would look at the bruises tomorrow and remember how the ginger beast had fucked his lips.

  Red’s jeans slid a bit lower, revealing more freckled skin as the rhythm of his thrusts intensified. “Come on, open your throat to me, my little cocksucker.”

  How could Loki not grant such a request? He moaned around the thick meat and relaxed his jaw. He stared at the man above him with his mind clouded by lust. He wanted to make Red smile like a rogue again.

  The fat cockhead pushed on, and when it finally slid into Loki’s throat, Red threw his head back with a groan of relief. The world spun around Loki as he swallowed around the pulsing girth, shuddering uncontrollably. His cock was twitching in his pants, and he’d start jerking off if Red weren’t holding his hands so tight. After the first time Red pushed in, he settled for a faster, more demanding rhythm, uncaring that he was making Loki gag on the thick dick.

  “Fuck, that’s a tight throat, you’re gonna drink all my cum, right?” Red hissed, looking down to Loki as if he wanted to eat him alive. If only Loki could, he’d slide his hands to Red’s ass and push his fingers in, fingerfucking him the way Red fucked his throat.

  But even when his gag reflex got a bit out of control, he wouldn’t tell Red to stop. So what that there were tears falling down his cheeks. So what that he didn’t look perfect. He didn’t care anymore. He wanted to please this guy, make him come so hard he’d want to fuck Loki’s throat again, and again

  He groaned around the pulsing dick, offering himself as he straightened his neck for easier entry. Red held back for a second, letting Loki catch his breath, but the cockhead was still in his mouth, burning Loki’s tongue with the salty musk. Their eyes met, sparking a charge of electricity that went all the way to Loki’s toes.

  “Fuck! Yes!” Red pulled Loki’s head back by the hair and came with a few more harsh thrusts. He panted and gasped for air, his cheeks colored by the orgasm. He was so beautiful and triumphant within the dark walls of the disused restroom. Loki could watch him forever.

  Heat exploded at the back of Loki’s throat, and he pushed forward until his nose was buried in the ginger pubes. He felt utterly vulnerable with that thick, pulsing meat blocking his air duct, but what did he have to lose? He wasn’t afraid anymore. His heart beat like crazy when his body became desperate for air, but with both those firm hands holding him still, he couldn’t move yet. Nor did he want to. He could spend the remainder of his days in that grip. Maybe even suffocate on this glorious dick and not have to count the days till he died.

  But those thoughts dispersed when he got pulled by the hair again and could breathe freely, even though his mind remained cloudy.

  “Those are some skilled lips.” Red let go of Loki’s hands and leaned against the wall, still gasping for air with a satisfied smile.

  Loki massaged his well-used throat and gave Red a goofy smile. “I wanna taste more of you next time,” he whispered, resting his head on Red’s hip, and for once, he wasn’t pushed away. The cock was softening, but as he predicted, it didn’t shrink much.

  “Maybe you’ll get a chance. You forgot to suck my balls.”

  Loki chuckled and brushed his fingers over the warm scrotum. The musky, salty scent of Red’s groin enveloped him in a cocoon of weightlessness and pulled him in as he opened his pants and exposed his own painfully erect cock. “I can still do that now.”

  Red bit his lip, his powerful chest swelling over Loki. “Go on. I bet you’ll come in under a minute.”

  Loki grinned and squeezed his dick hard as he dove in for the neglected sac. Red’s spent cock brushed across his cheek and rested there as he swirled his tongue over soft, wrinkled skin. “I want your cock in my ass,” he whispered, imagining Red’s powerful arms spinning him around and flattening him against the broken tiles. He’d pull down Loki’s jeans and push in bare, with just spit to ease his way in. It had been years since Loki did something that intense, but right now his body throbbed with the need for it.

  “I don’t fuck guys that way,” Red murmured, but the disappointment didn’t stop Loki from coming. All he could imagine was Red pulling on his hair, fucking him from behind like a machine, or Red sucking Loki’s dick and fingering him at the same time. Or fingering himself. Or letting Loki fuck his freckly ass and come inside that hot, muscular body.

  He sucked on one of the balls, trembling with a powerful orgasm. That was as good as it got. “Why not?” he uttered as soon as his mouth was vacant again.

  “I didn’t come here for chit-chat. Came to get my dick sucked.” With those words, Red turned around even before he pulled up his pants, and flashed Loki with his pale, and indeed freckled, ass. His butt looked so firm Loki almost reached out to squeeze it, but before he could, Red zipped up his pants. “Thanks!” he said on his way out.

  Loki stared at him, breathless as he watched the redhead of his dreams leave through the door. No. No, no, no. This could not end like this. Loki wanted to fuck a redhead. Properly fuck him. Be fucked bareback. He had three months left, and he wouldn’t even get that?

  He frantically pulled up his pants and stood up, wiping cum off on his jeans. When he’d sucked Red’s cock, all thoughts of death had gotten pushed to the backburner. He needed to do it again.

  Loki stumbled on his way out of the toilets. But Red didn’t even turn around to look at him when he got into his car, a red Chevrolet Corvette with black flames on its sides.

  “Hey, wait!” Loki rushed over and moved his hand against its smooth side. “Give me your number?” he asked, breathless. He couldn’t let this guy just walk out on him like that.

  Red lowered the tinted window. “Sorry, I don’t do repeats. It could get weird.”

  “I do repeats. Come on,” grumbled Loki. His brain was already pulsing the way it did sometimes. One of the reasons he finally got himself checked out. Three months. He wanted to spend them with this guy. Not some Mr. Nice Guy who’d take pity on him. He wanted this crude, wonderful guy with hair the color of fire, and a beard that could smother Loki in his sleep if he wasn’t careful.

  “Sorry, kid. No can do,” Red said and drove off, leaving Loki alone with just dust for company.

  Loki stared, hardly believing the audacity of the bastard, but even as he growled his anger, his legs carried him back to his car. He would not let that motherfucker get away.

  Back on the road, with the flashy car still looming on the horizon, he reached out to the notebook lying on the passenger seat. The movements of his hand weren’t precise in that position, with Loki’s attention divided between driving and writing, but it would have to do. He crossed out ‘9. Fuck a ginger’, but added: ‘10. Fuck Red’s hot, tight ass’.

  Chapter 3

  “Yeah, I want golden rims. It’s got to be super awesome. I’ll do the paintwork once you’re done with the mods. Lucy is gonna fuckin’ cream her pants when she sees it.” Red Jack grinned at himself in the mirror.

  Sam, his best friend and fellow Coffin Nails MC member, chuckled, his breath creaking the line for a moment. “If you say so. If she doesn’t, there’s plenty of fish in the sea. That bike’s gonna be good bait.”

  “I know there’s other pussy, but she’s teasing me, I know it. I just need to get to her at the right moment. Maybe she actually wants a relationship with me, and that’s why she’s waiting so long to put out. Fuck knows. Women are fucking twisted witches.” Red Jack began walking around the open plan kitchen and got himself a beer from the huge fridge.

  “Maybe,” said Sam before staying silent for a prolonged moment.

  “Yeah right, is your old lady listenin’ or something? Give Candy
’s pussy a lick from me.” Red Jack laughed and took a swig of beer.

  “I’m sure she’s gonna love being in this weird sort-of threesome,” said Sam. He trailed off, and in the background, Red Jack could hear the high-pitched voice. “Nothing. Just this girl Red knows.”

  “Maybe Candy could do a bit of spyin’? Find out some more shit about Lucy? I’ve got no bad intentions. I’d give her the fucking of her life.” Red Jack went over to the living room and took his time admiring the model motorcycles he stored in a glass cabinet.

  This obsession with Lucy was growing out of control and the only way out was to fuck it away. He’d be rid of it after a week or two. He always was. Once the chase was over, he couldn’t find much excitement in the same girl. With how unreasonable and hard to understand they were, he couldn’t find any reason to bother, and he was relieved they didn’t usually make it too difficult.

  “Yeah, you’d have to ask her yourself. Think of the bike,” Sam told him. “I found you that skull emblem for the front.”

  Red Jack did a fist pump and drank more beer. “Sure, I can talk to Candy. Just don’t go blaming me if she drops her panties. It’s kinda what happens to girls around me.”

  There was a knock on the patio door, and he stared, surprised that someone was bothering him at this time. There were no immediate neighbors so there was literally no one around, unless he invited people over. But it was the little cocksucker who’d broken in earlier. His trim body looked good in skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt, his handsome face was positively lickable, even with the scars, but chasing another guy? That was not cute.

  Sam started talking, but Red Jack cut him off. “You know, I’ll call you later. I gotta take a piss,” he said and disconnected. Red Jack wasn’t one to run or cower. He groaned and opened the patio door with a harsh yank. “The fuck are you still doing here, huh? I told you to piss off. Go suck someone’s dick, or something.”