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Red Hot Page 7

  When the girl finally produced a tiny plastic bag with two pink pills, he immediately knew what it was. She sobbed, and her eyes already went hazy. “I don’t wanna be arrested…”

  “Chill out, no one’s getting arrested. Gimme that.” Red Jack took the pills and put them in his pocket. “Go sit by the pool. Act dumb.”

  “Okay, Jack,” she whined and rushed toward the back of the building at such speed that one of her stilettos got stuck on something, making her stumble. One of the male hangarounds helped her up, and off she went.

  “The fuck is this about again?” barked Borg, walking up to Red Jack. “You know something?”

  “How many is there? On my birthday? Seriously?” It wasn’t enough that he was getting fag jokes, and having Lucy snub his bike?

  Several cops poured into the building, but it was a particular deputy, smaller than the others, with blonde hair gathered into a tidy ponytail. She gave Red Jack a shudder of discomfort. Paxton was always sniffing around the club, and while she’d obviously deny that it was personal, it so was. Her fixation on the Coffin Nails hadn’t been nearly as intense before her sister got into the lifestyle and went off to God-knew-where. Red Jack’s fault lay in the fact that his dick was the gateway for Eva Paxton to discover the joys of fucking bikers. Her badge-wearing sister was much less impressed.

  Red Jack pulled out the pills he’d gotten off the teen and swallowed them, praying that they really were just the happy pills they all knew and loved. When the police began roaming around and screaming for everyone to drop to the ground, he followed the order.

  Borg rolled his eyes and slowly lay down, entwining his fingers on his nape. Red Jack exhaled and pressed his cheek against the floor, which smelled of spilled beer and dirt that he could actually feel with his naked skin. Sam was there, right next to Candy, who kept looking around, clearly anxious. The floor wouldn’t do any good to those pastel-colored clothes she was wearing.

  Red Jack couldn’t keep his mouth shut though. “Can’t I get a break on my fucking birthday?”

  A pair of black shoes stopped right in front of his face. “Is it? Happy birthday. You can thank me later for not letting you get completely wasted,” Paxton said from above him.

  “Oh! Oh, I get it! I know what this is about. You’re angry ‘cause I didn’t invite you. I’m so sorry, Paxton. Does it feel like high school all over again?” Red Jack laughed despite Sam discreetly shaking his head at him.

  “I think I should talk to you first. You know, wish you all the best in private, so that you don’t blush too much,” said Paxton. Red Jack could hear her loud and clear, even with the commotion all around them. Each sound resonated from the floor and echoed straight into his ear.

  Fuck. The pills would be kicking in soon enough. He didn’t have time for this bullshit with Paxton. “Hear that, Sam? Ladycop wants to be alone with me.” He laughed, hoping it would put her off.

  Sam scowled. One of the other female cops was doing a quick search of Candy, but with the fluffy petticoats she was wearing, the whole thing would quickly go downhill and into the strip search territory.

  “Our love affair goes way back,” said Paxton before ordering Red Jack to get up with a voice he wanted to think of as silly, when it really wasn’t.

  Red Jack got to his feet with a groan, but smirked when they stood close. She barely reached his collarbones. “Still pining for me, Paxton?”

  She snorted and showed him the way toward the offices nearby. She already knew where they were from the previous time she got a warrant. That time, two people were actually busted, and Jack wondered what she had on them this time.

  “Still waiting for you to pop the question.”

  “Don’t wanna rush things, babe. You know me, I take my time.”

  Red Jack was trying to stay calm, but his heartbeat rushed. The drugs were kicking in. Just what he needed now.

  The people running about were starting to become a yellowish blur. Brothers, hangarounds, girls who were now covering their tits with other people’s T-shirts. Some were herded into groups, others searched and taken aside. The girl whose pills Jack had swallowed was there as well, barely visible in the corner, hiding behind a friend’s back. There went his fucking birthday party. This would last until morning at least, and he wouldn’t even get to fuck anyone. Paxton stopped by a young policeman and talked to him as Red Jack’s blood thumped in his veins at an accelerated speed. He blinked when he felt a large hand on his chest.

  “Spread your arms,” said the policeman, staring at Jack with his large green eyes. He had quite a case of babyface going on.

  Red Jack did as he was told with an annoyed huff. “Aren’t you gonna search me, Paxy?”

  “Watch out, Foxy Baby,” she said as the policeman patted down Red Jack.

  “Oh, I get it, you wanna wait till we’re alone. Smart. Don’t wanna be seen nailed by a Nail, right?”

  Paxton and the policeman exchanged glances, and she shrugged. “Wow. Maybe if you use that pun a hundred more times, it’s gonna start being funny,” she said, showing him the door to the office.

  Red Jack went in, ready to have this bullshit over with. He still couldn’t believe she’d come here with her dogs on his birthday. “What do you want, Paxton?” he groaned as the office door behind him closed. She grabbed his arms and pulled them back. Cold steel burned Red Jack’s wrists, but he didn’t protest, confused about whether she should even be doing this. His mind was racing because of the drug, and all he wanted was to be out of here before he started talking too much. Only now he noticed he’d been tapping his foot.

  Paxton frowned as her eyes trailed to his legs. He tried to gather his focus by looking around the simple room with a desk, several chairs, and two large document cabinets made of beige metal. Behind Paxton’s back, a naked girl arched her breasts from a poster, staring straight at Red Jack. Now that he could compare them side by side, Paxton seemed to have a similar chest size to the model.

  “Stop this tapping. It’s like listening to a dog hump something,” she said, nodding at Red Jack’s foot.

  He stopped, only to start scratching his scorching hot wrist under the steel cuff. He was heaving as he watched her, and he couldn’t stop his tongue unraveling with whatever came to his mind. “It’s ‘cause you make me horny.”

  Paxton’s face was like cut from marble, and Red Jack couldn’t help but focus on the sounds coming from behind the door as his attention scattered all over. Was that Candy’s voice telling someone not to touch the cake?

  “Funny. I look nothing like my sister,” Paxton said eventually.

  Red Jack licked his lips. “A pussy’s a pussy, right?”

  “Yeah? There’s many girls streaming through this place. No wonder she disappeared if she was so disposable,” Paxton said, stepping closer to Red Jack.

  He squinted, and flexed his biceps. What was the bitch on about? All he wanted was to do jumping jacks and run on the beach. “What?”

  In a blur of movement, Paxton grabbed Red Jack by the nape and slammed his face against the desk. Stars danced under Red Jack’s eyelids as the blunt pain of the blow spread throughout his skull. It was as if his brain jangled inside a rainbow-colored rattle. Paxton was holding him hard against the old, scratched wood, pushing her whole body into holding him down.

  Music started blowing right into Red Jack’s ear and immediately got louder, muting all sounds from outside. She must have switched on the radio.

  “What the fuck, you psycho bitch?” he moaned and tried to straighten up, but she smashed his head back down. If it were someone else, he’d fight them, but he couldn’t just smack a cop. Him acting out was exactly what she’d want, so she could officially arrest him.

  “Tell me where she is,” growled Paxton, pressing him harder against the desk. She had more strength in her than he'd given her credit for. “What did you do to her?”

  “I don’t know! We fucked, it was fun, but that’s that! You hit me one more time, and I’m gonna s
ue your whole fucking department!” Red Jack hated being cuffed. It reminded him of juvie and the one time the guys had tried to hold him down against the floor.

  “Oh, yeah?” growled Paxton, and her nails dug into the flesh of his nape. “You two fuck, and then suddenly she leaves a good-bye note and disappears? You fucking liar!”

  “Many girls might say otherwise, but my dick is not a magic wand, you cunt. Let go of me!”

  The last word stilled on his lips when his balls radiated with a pain so sharp it pushed tears out of his eyes. She had fucking hit them right from behind.

  “Oh, yeah? It isn’t helping you now, is it? I always found it funny how men keep telling one another to grow some balls when it’s their weakest spot.”

  Red Jack panted against the desk and rolled his forehead over the wood in an attempt not to moan out his pain. She had no fucking right to do this. “You’re gonna regret this in court,” he choked out in the end.

  “You telling everyone in court that a woman beat you up? I would do a lot to see you being a sissy like that,” she said, and then Red Jack’s knee gave out under him as she kicked the back of it. He fell to his knees, knocking his chin on the table.

  He gritted his teeth, already knowing he wouldn’t sue her, yet the decision left a metallic aftertaste in his mouth. Blood trickled from his nose and down his beard, and for once, he decided to shut up.

  Worst. Birthday. Ever.

  Chapter 8

  The night was mild, warm, and windless, even at the beach by Jack’s house, so Loki took his time to create the perfect midnight picnic. He did some shopping on his way from the club, set on making a good impression on Jack when he finally came back. Loki would wait for as long as it would take. He got beers, canned sweet tea, some snacks, even tea lights to make the scene more romantic.

  The sky was already going bright over the ocean when Loki heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching. He quickly lit up the tea lights and made sure everything looked great. He could barely catch his breath when he heard loud noises in the house. He needed to have Jack so bad in hurt. Loki was sure that if he only started living here, if Jack accepted him, it would only be a matter of time till he gave in to all the pleasures gay sex had to offer. Thinking that he might be the first one to fuck Jack’s undoubtedly tight ass had Loki’s body pulsing with heat, but right now he wanted Jack on top, shielding him from the cold night.

  Loki looked up when something creaked close by and saw Jack watching him from the open patio door. He smiled from deep within and waved, inviting Jack over. His chest swelled with the heat of joy that spread through his body when he had heard the motorcycle arrive. Even the way Jack moved approaching him had Loki’s body tingling with excitement. Jack had such a masculine figure, narrow in the hips, wide in the shoulders, and he walked with a swagger.

  But something was off, and Loki knew as much the moment Jack grabbed his hair. “What the fuck did you think you were doing at the club?” Jack asked in a cold voice and pulled Loki along the beach on his knees, ignoring the dinner and tea lights. A big purplish spot was spreading over his right cheekbone, like proof of Jack’s violent nature. Something was off about him, and the dry blood on his beard had to be a part of it.

  “Jack? You wanted me to cook, but I didn’t want to break in again,” uttered Loki, holding on to Jack’s arm. A cloud of sand flew into his face from underneath the sole of Jack’s boot, and he coughed, luckily having closed his eyes quickly enough.

  “How dare you try and humiliate me in front of my family?” Jack pulled so hard it hurt, but he wouldn’t let Loki get up from the cold, rough sand when he tried. “You are not my boyfriend, nor my cousin. You don’t know me. You are a complete stranger!” Before Loki knew it, a small wave hit his knees.

  The dark water was trembling underneath him as he twisted back his head, looking up at Jack in the faint light of the approaching dawn. “Don’t say that. That’s why I’m here. Let’s go to the picnic and talk.”

  “Oh, no.” Jack squinted at him, and walked into the water in his boots, pulling Loki along. “You tried to out me to my friends. You don’t get to toy with my life. Do you understand?”

  Loki didn’t get to answer, as Jack pushed his head under the chilly water. Only then, when the freezing liquid made him stiffen, fear crept out of the darkest corners of Loki’s mind. There he was, thinking he didn’t fear death anymore. Oh, how wrong he had he been... His lungs constricted, and even as the icy water shocked him, soaking all his clothes, the salty liquid in his mouth seemed dry and grainy, threatening to burn him from the inside. He steadied himself and pushed up, gulping air as soon as he emerged. “Stop!”

  Jack leaned down to him and looked into his eyes from inches away. “Do you understand?” he yelled and pushed Loki under again.

  Loki swallowed some salty water, frantically fighting against the push from above, but this time nothing helped. He was sinking deeper and deeper, and the shimmering darkness around him crawled with phantom fingers that longed to dive deep into his throat and choke the life out of him. Loki grabbed Jack by the balls and squeezed hard.

  Even through the water he heard a scream, and Jack toppled over into the water, making them tumble in the waves, which came and went, letting Loki breathe for at least a few seconds each time.

  He coughed up the water that had gone down his air duct and crawled toward the shore, his head spinning from breathlessness and the familiar pulsing, which seemed strong enough to one day crack his skull open from the inside.

  Jack grabbed his leg, and pulled him back into the waves, but not deep enough to drown him anymore. “You little fucker! You try that again, coming to the club, telling anyone what happened between us,” Jack threw Loki to his back and grabbed his wrists, “you will die. I will shoot your brains out, drown you, or strangle you! So I ask you again. Do you understand?” When Jack lowered himself on top of Loki, an intense smell of liquor hit Loki’s nostrils.

  He turned his face away and coughed when yet another wave rushed past his face. He hadn’t noticed before, but his body was trembling. “You may only kill me if you love me first,” he whispered.

  Jack watched him for the longest moment, but his attention seemed scattered. “You’re a fuckin’ psycho.” He lifted himself slightly on his hand to push Loki to his stomach, face first into the sand. Loki pulled himself up and crawled onto the beach, still catching his breath. The cold, wet sand sank under his weight, but he knew he needed to get his shivering body out. He’d have some food, maybe a coffee, and it would be fine. Jack would come around.

  “What do you want from me?” Jack asked, and slid his hand under Loki’s body. Only then did he realize Jack was unzipping his pants, breathing heavily as he laid his whole weight on Loki. Loki gave a shuddery breath and arched his back, savoring the warmth of Jack’s body when Jack hooked his fingers into the back of his pants and pulled them off along with the underwear. His heart sang with joy when he realized where this was going.

  “Let’s get inside. It’s cold out here...”

  “No, tell me what you want,” Jack mumbled and rubbed his erection against Loki’s ass. It was hot and cold at once, so firm as it slid between Loki’s buttocks. It felt like being teased with a marble baton.

  Loki gasped, grabbing the sand. “To stay here. Just for a few weeks. I’ll say nothing to no one.”

  “You said something else.” Jack’s voice was barely intelligible, and he put his face against Loki’s neck, tickling him with the wet beard. Cold water touched their feet, but Loki didn’t care anymore. He shuddered, pushing back against Jack’s lips.

  “What did I say?”

  Jack mumbled something, but a bigger wave washed the words away, and Loki had to hold his breath not to choke when all of Jack’s weight dropped on him.

  “Jack? You’re crushing me,” uttered Loki as soon as he could breathe again, but there was no response. He looked back, only to meet a pair of closed eyes. It took one more wave for him to wake up fro
m the stupor. “What the fuck.... your cock’s almost up my ass...”

  But there was no answer, just an incoherent groan. Jack’s cock was getting softer as well. Another wave, this time covering them both for a moment, forced Loki to act. At this rate, Jack could drown, passed out on the beach, and Loki would never get to fuck him.

  He pushed himself to all fours, and moved forward, dragging the limp bastard with him as well. He chuckled when it occurred to him that they looked a bit like a piece of prawn nigiri, with Jack being the prawn and Loki—the rice. It was completely ridiculous, but having a laugh gave Loki enough strength to push on until he could drop Jack off into dry sand. He sat up and laughed again, seeing Jack’s pants pulled down all the way to his ankles. It was such an undignified sight, but cute and vulnerable at the same time. The smile dropped off his mouth when he touched a hole Jack had torn in his T-shirt during the struggle. Loki’s muscles turned to lead as he looked at Jack, focusing on the present as hard as he could. This wasn’t the time to think of all the bad stuff that had happened. If safety were his priority, he’d still be with Richard.

  Richard would never ever hit him, much less try to drown him in the ocean. It had been scary and painful to fight the emptiness in his lungs, with no guarantee that the three months Loki had wouldn’t be cut very short. Then again, Loki didn’t want to be with Richard. He wanted to be with Jack, even if the bastard really ended up killing him in the end. Possibly, it would be less painful than agony in a hospital bed, slowly losing himself to the growing tumor in his skull.

  Loki gently pulled his fingers over the side of Jack’s face. Lucy had no idea what she was missing out on.

  Chapter 9

  Red Jack woke up to a pressure in his temples, with his tongue dry as a woodchip and a sour aftertaste in his mouth. He blinked and opened his eyes to look at the dim ceiling. The curtains were drawn over the windows, sparing him the pain of direct sunlight. He groaned, massaging his eyeballs with his thumbs before looking at the bedside table. No amount of booze could make him as happy as the glass of water he saw there. Next to it were two white pills, and he swallowed them at once, gulping down the whole thing.